Our Ministries

Women Ministry

Whilst most of the things that we do are for all people to be able to access, we also acknowledge that sometimes it is good to do things for one particular group. We have events for women

– Women’s Prayer Meeting, Women’s Away Weekend, Women’s Brunch Fellowship.

Triumphant Men’s Ministry

Coming Soon

Children’s Church

At TCI Birmingham it our desire that children discover the joy of knowing Jesus and growing in their faith journey and to be a bearer of Christ light. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

(Matthew 19:14).  So, we invite children to come and explore the Bible stories through fun activities

Benevolence Ministry

At TCI Birmingham, we acknowledge things are though for many families and we want to 
help as many families as possible in the community with food parcels every 1st Sunday of 
each month 11am-2pm. Supply is limited, and we will only provide for the first ten people 
who register on a first come first served basis. Please click the form to register your interest. 

Prayer Ministry

We believe that prayer is very vital in the life of a Christian, hence prayer is the heartbeat of Triumphant Church International. We encourage you to join us in prayer every Friday evening at 7pm.

Prayer Request

Feel free to share your prayer requests with us by filling out the form below.